Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She practically darned me.

so, i was chatting with my great friend, Leica the other day on the phone (or maybe i read her comment on my blog)......totally forget, but it doesn't matter. anyway, she was commenting on me finally scrappin' some 6x12" vertical layouts. she had seen this post the day before on my blog. She made some comment about if i had tried some horizontal and i had a light-bulb moment. "NOoooooo, but i'm gonna". thanks, Leica.

so, here's some little sneak peeks at some horizontal 6x12 layouts that are laying on my desk, waiting to be blogged. can't wait to share 'em with you, Leica!!!! love ya'!!!!

'til then {from the farm},


1 comment:

  1. I have no idea how to post them on the days you want, sorry. I asked around and no one seemed to know for sure.but I did the scroll and it was fun. I LOVE your horizontal layouts!!!!!
